Making an Entrance in Ridgefield: From Fence to Stone Pillars

A new landscape client in Ridgefield, CT was hoping to improve a couple different parts of their landscape when they hired Designing Eden llc last year.  Along with a new garden in front of their colonial styled house and backyard entertaining area, it was their hope to improve their existing front entrance.  Originally, the homeowners were interested in creating gardens around the existing fence but through the landscape design process, I began feeling uneasy about the thought of leaving the fence in place.  The more I looked at the picture below, the more I thought a major change was needed.  I thought the scale of the fencing was a little large, the light posts were close to nine feet tall and the fence at the driveway was close to 6′ and the fence design and layout was a little odd. Besides that, a fence out at the street just didn’t feel like it was tied to anything else on the property. When I first made the suggestion of removing the fencing, the homeowners were apprehensive in making a change.   They never really gave the fence much thought and even though both lights were broken at the time, they liked the idea of the lampposts at the entrance. The homeowners were also used to the look of the fence.

Entrance garden before

I drew this quick sketch of a stone pillar surrounded by gardens to help sell them on the idea.

Entrance garden Ridgefield

Below is the after photo’s.  The lampposts were replaced with uplights that light the base of each pillar.  I like the transformation from the fence to the stone pillars.  How about you?

Entrance garden Ridgefield
Entrance garden in Ridgefield
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Picture of Richard Schipul
Richard Schipul

For the last 30 years, I have owned the landscape company Designing Eden LLC based in New Milford, CT. We offer landscape designs, landscape installations and garden maintenance services in Fairfield and Litchfield County Connecticut. I am currently the only Nationally Certified Landscape Designer in Litchfield County and sit on the board of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers and Mad Gardeners.


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