Landscape Ideas: A Front Entrance in Washington

This is a landscape we installed last year in Washington.  The space was long and narrow, sandwiched between the house and driveway and terminated by two entrances.  The concept was to keep things simple by introducing a slice of history into the garden to match the period architecture. A Boxwood parterre was planted to give some formality and structure to the front entrance.  The parterre was then interplanted with annuals, adding summer color to the otherwise green garden.  Hollies mark the front door while a looser planting of Hydrangeas billow over the walk, bringing the homeowners and regular guests to a side entrance through the arch.

Here is a picture right after the boxwood parterre was planted so you can get the idea of the area we were working with. Natural fieldstone line the driveway and a sliver of grass will give the snow plow driver at least a little room to push snow.

The below pictures were taken 2 years after the initial planting.
Washington Landscape
Boxwood Parterre Washington
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Picture of Richard Schipul
Richard Schipul

For the last 30 years, I have owned the landscape company Designing Eden LLC based in New Milford, CT. We offer landscape designs, landscape installations and garden maintenance services in Fairfield and Litchfield County Connecticut. I am currently the only Nationally Certified Landscape Designer in Litchfield County and sit on the board of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers and Mad Gardeners.


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