There is nothing like a garden that lifts your spirit and makes you smile every time you’re within it. When I designed my own house and landscape, I spent quite a bit of time planning how visitors would approach the house, where they’d park and the experience they would get as they walked to my front door. Overall, I think I did a great job. Our front yard is all garden and we funnel cars to a parking court directly in front of that garden. As people get out of their cars, they are meet with a generous bluestone walk that leads directly to my front door. Along that walk is a courtyard garden. That garden has become part design studio, part trial garden and part plant hospital, holding quite a few unwanted plants from our client gardens. Either way, we try to make the experience as enjoyable as possible. Last year, I added Alliums to give our garden one more dimension. I can’t imagine a more fun plant. A plant that adds a bit of whimsy to the garden. These large soldiers received a lot of comments this spring. It’s such a fun plant.