After 30 years in the landscape business, I decided to enter my first landscape design awards competition. The CT Green Industry Alliance released their categories for 2018 and there was a small garden category. It tempted me to enter my favorite small garden. There is so much to love about this property that we designed, installed and still maintain. First, the house is beautiful and lovingly maintained. Second, the homeowners wanted a landscape that honored the architecture and lastly, the generous front porch and close proximity to downtown Ridgefield provides a sense of community that is mostly lacking in this part of the world. During the Victorian era, annuals played a large part in every landscape. The look and feel of this garden changes twice a year with new annuals every summer and fall with an array of ever changing colors. I’m happy to announce that we won the category. Below are the 10 required pictures that we submitted with the application.

Here I am accepting the award. I found out minutes earlier that I’d won as my pictures flashed across the screen.

Who knows, I might start submitting more of our landscapes into future design awards competitions. After all these years in the landscape industry, designing landscapes for all different properties and clients, it was fun to be recognized for a project we take great pride in maintaining.