Landscape Design Services
At Designing Eden, our landscape designers feel that the design phase is the most important part of any project. The success or failure of any built environment will directly relate to the landscape design. That is why you, the homeowner, needs to do your homework.
Designing Eden performs Landscape Design all over the Fairfield County and Litchfield County with a majority of our clients in and around Ridgefield, Redding, Washington, Roxbury, Bridgewater, Litchfield, Sharon and Kent.
The design and installation of a landscape is a big undertaking for our landscape clients. Not only financially, but aesthetically. Curb appeal is the first thing you and everyone else will see as you enter your property. The landscape sets the mood for a house and enhances the lives of everyone who views it. You do not want to leave that up to just anyone. A recent article in Money Magazine said a homeowner could expect a 100-200% return on investment from a new landscape done by a professional landscape designer.
No other home improvement project will bring such a return as a new landscape. Not only do the studies show we will live longer, healthier, happier lives with attractive landscapes around our houses, but it is also a good investment. Sound too good to be true? There is a catch. Money Magazine is not talking about ripping out your existing landscape and renovating with a bunch of hemlocks and yews.

They are talking about a well thought out, professionally designed landscape that takes everything into consideration: Your house’s architectural style, it’s setting, solar orientation, and soil type. A creative, personalized, environmentally sensitive landscape created by our landscape designers for you and your site. Where proper plant selection and placement is important. Allowing plants to grow naturally so they don’t need to be trimmed every month into unnatural shapes just to keep the plants under the window sill. It always amazes me how many “professionals” put those innocent 5 foot evergreen shrubs into a foundation planting, only to have it grow into a 50 foot monster.
Designing Eden’s landscape designers take what we do seriously and we do what is right for your property. Landscape design is not only our profession, but our passion.